About RK.Net, Inc.

We have extensive professional experience in the software development, database programming, graphic design and printing industries. We have been concentrating on Internet and website development since 1999.

Our expertise is in developing computer and Internet solutions to improve your business. In addition to developing advanced interactive, database driven websites, we've also developed software and cloud applications to help run your business more efficiently.

There are often situations when the choices of a store bought "off-the-shelf" software do not exactly fit the way you run your business. Off-the-shelf software can be very ecomonical since it is mass produced and used by many people, but it can also be too "generic" and may not be the most efficent way to integrate into your business. A custom designed application can often make your organization run more efficiently, saving you time and money in the long term.

We've seen operations where data from the Internet is manually typed into the local computer software applications, or Excel spreadsheets, and visa versa. This double entry process wastes valuable time and leaves room for mistakes. We can develop a solution where data from the Internet can be integrated with the data from your local computer applications.

Our approach is to analyze your business or organization to see how technology is used it's operations. We can then make recommendations on how make it run more efficently using the Internet, computer software and /or networking applications.

And, of course, we also do web development. We've done small informational websites (online brochures), simple online secure order forms, full e-Commerce solutions, and the more advanced interactive / database driven sites.

Web Development and Wesbite Design
Web Design and Wesbite Development
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